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AlphaGalileo your independent
multilingual media partner

We deliver breaking research news from the source to industry journalist’s (inboxes) around the world.

We are a trusted independent business to business service for the research and media communities.

We were created to provide the research community and the media with an effective and an independent source of research news. 

We were created by journalists for journalists.  

Our service is based on three fundamentals:

  1. The widest range of research topics
  2. All types of news material
  3. A friendly service that delivers the services demanded by our users.

We believe that communication of scientific research is fundamental to the creation of knowledge-based societies. We are experts in promoting research to the world's media.

You can read more about us in the following sections:

Who we are - with our history, aims and structure

Global reach - our effective Service

How it works - how the service operates

Media services - our service to the media

Who uses us - lists our scientific and media partners

Advertise with us


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    • Subscribe today and start getting your news in front of the world’s media.
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    • Subscribe today and start getting your news in front of the world’s media.
    • PREMIUM $2,850.00
    • 12 month subscription
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    • Online statistics for your items
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    • Subscribe today and start getting your news in front of the world’s media.

We Work Closely With...

  • BBC
  • The Times
  • National Geographic
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • University of Cambridge
  • iesResearch
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