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What our users say

“AlphaGalileo is a great source of global research news. I use it regularly,” Robert Lee Hotz, Wall Street Journal.

“AlphaGalileo has not only helped us to grow our media coverage, but also linked us to journalists we never knew and to gain coverage in places of which we’d never previously heard.” Peter Reader, University of Portsmouth

“AlphaGalileo is one of ScienceDaily’s principal news sources,” Dan Hogan, USA

“I have found AlphaGalileo’s global reach impressive,” Wendy Aron, US freelance 

“AlphaGalileo has been brilliant in supporting us — helping the University of Leicester to get a world-first — our discovery of Richard III out to the media along with its accompanying resources,” Ather Mirza, Director of Press and Corporate News 

"AlphaGalileo's service, and all the people there who have helped me throughout the years are just excellent!" Jane Ehrlich, Phoenix, Arizona

"The daily news alerts from Alphagalileo offer a very useful opportunity to skim through science and technology headlines and summaries. My specific interest for work is a niche within a niche, but my natural curiosity about all sorts of subjects means I often look up some of the other news stories.!" Steve Barrett, Elsevier Ltd

"AlphaGalileo is a simple but effective tool that leverages terrific coverage of our University in the international arena – in other words, it helps to make my job a whole lot easier. Sure, we have our own distribution lists and contacts with journalists across the world, but posting on AlphaGalileo can take your release up to another level. It never ceases to amaze me the reach we can secure using AlphaGalileo to oil the wheels." David Garner, University of York Press Office

"As an ordinary news reporter, I have used AlphaGalileo from its earliest days. It's an invaluable resource because it provides access to information that would never normally reach me. It has given me the edge over competitors time and time again." Alan Watkins, Kent Messenger Group

"I and hundreds of journalists like me check the releases on the site almost daily." Martin Redfern, BBC

"AlphaGalileo is an invaluable tool for reporting on the latest scientific breakthroughs. My life as a journalist would be a great deal harder without it, as it provides the starting point for a significant proportion of my show's eventual output. I particularly appreciate the clarity of information." Marnie Chesterson, Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, The Netherlands

"We also highly appreciate and value AlphaGalileo’s assistance in disseminating our stories. You guys are doing terrific work." Jeffrey Oliver, CGIAR Centres

We Work Closely With...

  • BBC
  • The Times
  • National Geographic
  • University of Cambridge
  • iesResearch
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