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Guidelines on selecting keywords

To find a detailed description of areas covered by a specific keyword, please click on the topic the keyword belongs to:

Science: research - physics, chemistry, agriculture, climate change, environment - science, earth sciences, life sciences, palaeontology, science policy, grants, people in science, mathematics, public dialogue, space science and energy.

Health: research - food, medical, covid, environment, grants, people in health research, health policy, public dialogue and well being.

Society: research - social sciences, economics/management, geography, politics, psychology, grants, people in society research, society policy, public dialogue and leisure and sport.

Humanities: research - archaeology, education, classics, grants, history, law, linguistics, people in humanities, philosophy & ethics, humanities policy, public dialogue and religion.

Arts: research - design, grants, literature & creative writing, media & multimedia, museums & libraries, performing arts, people in the arts, arts policy, public dialogue and visual arts.

Applied science: research - artificial intelligence (AI), computing, engineering, transport, grants, people in applied science research, technology and industry policy, public dialogue, technology and nanotechnology.

Business: production of products or promotion of an organisation - aerospace, automotive, other transport, manufacturing, chemicals, renewable energy, non-renewable energy, defence & security, electronic hardware and software, telecommunications & the Internet, culture, media & publishing, knowledge transfer, universities & research, government, financial services, retail, fashion & consumer goods, food & drink, agriculture & fishing, medical & pharmaceutical, well being, leisure & sport, metals, mines & quarries, property & construction, promotion, recruitment and people in business.


  • Physics: acoustics, optics, mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, cryogenics, solid-state physics, particle and plasma physics, matter, atomic and nuclear physics and astrophysics research
  • Chemistry: inorganic, organic, biochemistry
  • Agriculture: farming, fishing, arable crops, hunting
  • Climate Change: study of long-term shifts in global temperature, precipitation, wind patterns and other measures of climate that occur over several decades or longer
  • Environment - science: ecosystems, environmental problems, endangered species, climate change
  • Earth sciences: geology, observation of the Earth, remote sensing
  • Life sciences: pure biological science issues, animal biology, plant biology
  • Palaeontology: study of life of the geologic past that involves the analysis of plant and animal fossils, excavation, paleology, prehistory, paleohistory
  • Policy: science regulation, science spending, political statements
  • Grants: news about grants awarded to undertake research
  • People in science research: news about people winning awards, research prizes, etc. for their research activities
  • Mathematics: pure and applied mathematics
  • Public dialogue: activities to engage a wider audience in science, events, conferences, public lectures
  • Space science: study of near and outer space, satellites, the Moon, space travel, planets, comets, meteors, stars, dark matter
  • Energy: electricity, gas, nuclear, oil, carbon storage, renewable power sources


  • Food: food production, manufacture, nutrition, conservation, EU surpluses, diets, shortages, functional foods
  • Medical: medical problems, diseases, syndromes, treatments
  • Covid: disease in humans caused by a coronavirus, syndromes, treatments
  • Environmental health: environmental effects on health, e.g. air pollution, radiation, contagious diseases, health and safety at work
  • Grants: news about grants awarded to undertake research in health
  • People in health research: news about people winning awards, research prizes, etc. for their research activities
  • Health policy: health regulation, healthcare spending, political statements
  • Public dialogue: activities to engage a wider audience in health, events, conferences, public lectures
  • Well being: general health issues which are not medical problems, lifestyle factors which endanger health


  • Social sciences: behavioural studies, e.g. wealth creation, happiness in society, employment, patterns across societal groups
  • Economics/management: economic theory, applied economics, management theory, applied management, human resources theory, applied human resources
  • Geography: human geography - migration patterns, social housing patterns, demographics
  • Politics: political party/governmental issues, think-tanks, types of government
  • Psychology: studies of individual behaviour, e.g. brain patterns, intelligence, normal functions, abnormal behaviour
  • Grants: news about grants awarded to undertake research in social sciences
  • People in social sciences research: news about people winning awards, research prizes, etc. for their research activities
  • Society policy: social regulation, social spending, political statements
  • Public dialogue: activities to engage a wider audience in social sciences, events, conferences, public lectures
  • Leisure & sport: hobbies, sports, sports science


  • Archaeology: archaeology of human/animal remains, buildings, settlements, ancient civilisations
  • Education: educational research, pedagogy, new courses, education principles and policy
  • Classics: pre-1900 literature and culture
  • Grants: news about grants awarded to undertake research in humanities
  • History: written records, archives, mass observation
  • Law: current law, new legislation, comparison between different legal systems
  • Linguistics: history of languages, endangered languages, language development, multilingualism, grammar, syntax, morphology, semantics
  • People in humanities research: news about people winning awards, research prizes, etc. for their research activities
  • Philosophy & ethics: philosophical issues, applied philosophy, controversies, ethics generally, applied ethics
  • Humanities policy: humanities regulation, humanities spending, political statements
  • Public dialogue: activities to engage a wider audience in humanities, events, conferences, public lectures
  • Religion: religion generally, belief systems


  • Design: design generally, ergonomics, architecture, urban planning
  • Grants: news about grants awarded to undertake research in arts
  • Literature & creative writing: about books generally, poetry, readings, authors, literature schools
  • Media & multimedia: about media and multimedia generally, newspaper publishing, broadcasting, webcasting, podcasting, media installations
  • Museums & libraries: institutions, exhibitions
  • Performing arts: dance, drama, ballet, opera, musicals, concerts, mime, juggling, stand-up comedy, circus performances
  • People in the arts: news about people winning awards, research prizes, etc. for their arts research activities
  • Policy: arts regulation, arts spending, political statements
  • Public dialogue: activities to engage a wider audience in the arts, events, conferences, public lectures
  • Visual arts: paintings, murals, installations at galleries, cinema, sculpture, jewellery, pottery, textiles, art schools

Applied science

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): science and engineering of making intelligent machines, development of 'thinking' computer systems, robotics, machine learning
  • Computing: applied computing, personal computing, supercomputers, microchips, grid technology, software
  • Engineering: assorted branches of engineering, e.g civil, electrical, mechanical, automotive, aeronautical
  • Transport: buses, cars, aircrafts, bikes, trains, spacecrafts used for human transport, flow control technologies
  • Grants: news about grants awarded to undertake research in technology
  • Personalia: news about people winning awards, research prizes, etc. for their research activities
  • Policy: technology regulation, technology spending, political statements
  • Public dialogue: activities to engage a wider audience in technology, events, conferences, public lectures
  • Technology: pure technology, innovations, general issues concerning technology
  • Nanotechnology: research, potential applications


  • Aerospace: aircraft, space vehicles, micro planes, navigation systems, commercial space missions, satellite operations
  • Automotive: vehicles, components, fuels, alternative power sources, roads
  • Other transport: railways, trains, trams, ferries, boats
  • Manufacturing: industry where the production of a product is involved, processes, delivery technologies, equipment, robots
  • Chemicals: petroleum, refining, any chemicals other than pharmaceutical, new products, new applications
  • Renewable energy: solar power, wind power, wave power, geo-thermal power, biofuels
  • Non-renewable energy: coal, gas, oil as an energy source, peat
  • Defence & security: equipment, systems, policy
  • Electronic hardware & software: technology, computers, equipment, software, manufacturing, products
  • Telecommunications & the Internet: mobile computing, the Internet, technologies, technology applications, telephone and computer networks, grids, fibre optic
  • Culture, media & publishing: television, printed media, digital media, publishing, exhibitions, events
  • Knowledge transfer: application of technology in an unusual way, spin-off companies, start-ups
  • Universities & research: new departments, courses and facilities, awards, reports, routine academic appointments
  • Government: government-run businesses, departments
  • Financial services: products, systems, general financial news from research-based enterprises, reports
  • Retail: systems, organisations, technologies, logistics
  • Fashion & consumer goods: products, systems, technologies
  • Food & drink: products, systems, technologies
  • Agriculture & fishing
  • Medical & pharmaceutical: products, systems, technologies, equipments
  • Well being: diets, exercise, procedures, equipment, products
  • Leisure & sport: procedures, equipment, products
  • Metals, mines & quarries: extraction technologies of coal, stone, uranium, zinc, tin, etc., equipment, products, procedures
  • Property & construction: technologies, equipment, products, designs, companies
  • Promotion: advertising, public relations, market research, systems, technologies
  • Recruitment: systems, technologies, procedures
  • People in Business: routine appointments, career changes, business awards

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  • BBC
  • The Times
  • National Geographic
  • University of Cambridge
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