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Your statistics

The Service provides real-time feedback on the number of alerts we have sent out for any item, and for the interest it has subsequently generated by showing the number of times it has been viewed and the number of time any attachments - images, PDFs, videos, podcasts - have been downloaded.

Alerts are sent out in a variety of ways depending on the preferences of those receiving them. Users can select

  • an immediate full text alert, in which all the information from a posting is sent them the moment we approve your content
  • an immediate summary, using the paragraph you enter in the summary field and with a link to the item on our site
  • daily collected summaries, with links to news items
  • weekly collected summaries, with links to news items

You will get a notification of the immediate alerts that we have sent in the email you receive confirming that we have accepted your content.

All the information about the interest your item has generated is available by selecting 'Content'

The Hits shows the number of times an item has been read online and the Asset Hits the number of times any attachments have been downloaded. In the example above there was no attachment to the first release, there was an attachment with the second.

We Work Closely With...

  • BBC
  • The Times
  • National Geographic
  • University of Cambridge
  • iesResearch
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