Teagasc Counting Carbon Conference

Teagasc Counting Carbon Conference

20/06/2024 Teagasc

The Teagasc Counting Carbon: Science and Practice Conference is taking place today, Thursday, 20th June at the Teagasc Research Centre at Ashtown, Dublin. Leading experts have come together to explore innovative approaches to carbon farming. The conference is aiming to bridge the gap between theory and application in carbon counting, and delve into both the science and practice behind this crucial aspect of sustainable agriculture.

Introducing the conference, Professor Frank O Mara, Director of Teagasc said; “We must be able to measure carbon accurately. At this conference we are presenting the latest research in terms of measuring and counting carbon. Particularly in soils but also measuring the carbon in trees and hedgerows and other above ground carbon stores. The conference is also exploring the options for carbon farming framework.”

The opening address was delivered by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD. He highlighted that the pastoral and arable based systems of farming in Ireland have demonstrated their sustainability. He said that the agriculture and land use sector can contribute significantly to meeting the targeted reduction in emissions and pointed out that the Teagasc MACC has provided farmers and policy makers with a range of measures to reduce emissions. He said that Ireland has been at the forefront in developing schemes that are aligned with farming carbon principals and he is committed to the development of this new and exciting policy area.

Christian Holzleitner, Head of Unit responsible for Land economy and Carbon removals at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action also addressed the Conference. He said that the one big objective is to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. He emphasised the need to reduce emissions and get better at taking carbon out of the atmosphere and storing it in soils and forests. He outlined their latest plans around an EU Carbon Farming Framework and Certification process.

Dr Giulia Bondi, researcher in the Teagasc Climate Research Centre, delivered a paper on Farming carbon - concepts and challenges. She spoke about the important role soils play in storing carbon, pointing out that in Ireland the majority of the carbon stored in soils is in our peat soils.

Dr Karl Richards, Head of the Teagasc Climate Research Centre said; “Carbon farming offers the potential for financial reward for actions to reduce emissions and enhance sinks. The detail of any new scheme and the pricing of carbon in the future will strongly influence farmer interest”.

Papers and presentations from the conference will be available at www.teagasc.ie/countingcarbon

More detail on the Teagasc Climate Research Centre are available at www.teagasc.ie/climatecentre

Attached files
  • The Teagasc Counting Carbon: Science and Practice Conference was held at Teagasc Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin, today, Thursday, 20th June. Pictured at the Conference (L to R): Speakers; Dr Giulia Bondi, Researcher, Teagasc Climate Research Centre; Professor Frank O Mara, Director of Teagasc; Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD., and Dr Karl Richards, Head of the Teagasc Climate Research Centre
20/06/2024 Teagasc
Regions: Europe, Ireland
Keywords: Science, Public Dialogue - science

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