Beef Farming’ photo Competition Winners Announced

Beef Farming’ photo Competition Winners Announced

27/06/2024 Teagasc

The ‘This is Beef Farming’ photo competition, run by Teagasc and kindly sponsored by FBD, highlighted the multiple things that make Irish beef farming great! The competition was open for entries in the run up to the BEEF 2024 Open Day.

The competition had an adult category and a junior category for under 18 year olds, and attracted over 140 entries. All the photos were displayed at the Teagasc Beef2024 Open Day in Grange. The competition winners were presented with their prizes by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D.

The photo competition winners were:

Geraldine Gill, Crossmolina, County Mayo had the winning photo in the Adult Category. Her photo was captioned: Peace and quiet below Nephin Mountain

Ronan Delany, along with his daughters Eppie and Esmae, from Dunshaughlin, County Meath was the runner up in the Adult Category. They captioned their photo: Irish cattle + Irish grass & sunshine = probably the best beef in the world.

Killian O’Neill from Ardrahan, County Galway was the winner in the Junior Category. Caption on the photo: There was a cow calving on the other side of the wall and these cows lined up to offer support and keep an eye on proceedings!

The Beef photo competition was kindly sponsored by FBD. The Overall winner in the adult category received €250 in FBD Hotel Vouchers, while the First runner up in the adult category received €150 in FBD Hotel Vouchers. The Overall winner in the junior (u18) category received €100 in FBD Hotel Vouchers.

The winning photos can be viewed at

Attached files
  • Geraldine Gill, Crossmolina, County Mayo had the winning photo in the Adult Category of the “This is Beef Farming” photo competition, run by Teagasc and kindly sponsored by FBD. Her photo was captioned: Peace and quiet below Nephin Mountain and was on display the Teagasc Beef2024 open day in Grange. Geraldine Gill is pictured being presented with her prize by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D. and Mary Dunphy, FBD Insurance.
  • Ronan Delany, along with his daughters Eppie and Esmae, from Dunshaughlin, County Meath was the runner up in the Adult Category the “This is Beef Farming” photo competition, run by Teagasc and kindly sponsored by FBD. Their photo was captioned: Irish cattle + Irish grass & sunshine = probably the best beef in the world, and was on display at the Teagasc Beef2024 Open Day in Grange. Ronan Delany, and his daughter Eppie is pictured being presented with her prize by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D. and Maureen O Meara, FBD Insurance.
27/06/2024 Teagasc
Regions: Europe, Ireland
Keywords: Science, People in science, Public Dialogue - science


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