"Branching Out" by Teagasc Launched: A Comprehensive Guide to Farm Diversification

"Branching Out" by Teagasc Launched: A Comprehensive Guide to Farm Diversification

19/07/2024 Teagasc

At the Energy and Farm Diversification show at Gurteen Agricultural College, the eagerly anticipated publication "Branching Out" by Teagasc was officially launched. This essential new guide is designed to support farmers and their families in navigating the complexities of farm diversification. The publication was launched by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, who commended the initiative's significance for the agricultural community.

In an era of rapid changes in the agricultural landscape, diversification can create viable income opportunities for farm families securing a sustainable future for farms and families. "Branching Out" provides crucial insights and practical advice on a wide array of diversification opportunities, from agri-tourism, food, direct selling, specialty crops to renewable energy and value-added products.

Minister Charlie McConalogue TD, who officially launched the publication, emphasised the importance of this initiative: "Farm diversification is a key opportunity for many farm families and will support the resilience and long-term sustainability of our agricultural sector. “Branching Out' is an invaluable resource that equips our farmers with the knowledge and tools they need to explore new avenues and thrive amidst changing market dynamics. This guide will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping a more resilient future with greater options for our rural communities."

Barry Caslin, Teagasc Energy and Rural Development Specialist and the author of "Branching Out," highlighted the guide's comprehensive approach: "This publication is designed to meet the diverse needs of farm families. It provides detailed guidance on everything from legal considerations and tax planning to financial management and marketing strategies. Our goal is to empower farmers and their families to successfully embark on their diversification journey."

Dr Stan Lalor, Director of Knowledge Transfer at Teagasc, highlighted the broader impact of the publication: "Diversification is not just about enhancing income streams; it's about building a resilient and prosperous future for rural communities. “Branching Out' is a testament to the innovative spirit of our farmers and their willingness to adapt and thrive in the face of challenges. This guide will serve as an invaluable roadmap, offering support and inspiration to farmers, spouses, children, and siblings alike."

"Branching Out" serves as a vital resource for all members of farm families, recognising the crucial role each person plays in the success of agricultural enterprises. As farms diversify, this guide will be an indispensable tool, providing the knowledge and support necessary to navigate new ventures confidently.

The launch at the Energy and Farm Diversification Show 2024 was a testament to the collaborative spirit within the agricultural community, bringing together farmers, family members, and industry experts to celebrate the release of this crucial resource. The publication is now available online for all interested parties to access and benefit from the comprehensive guidance it offers.

For those who were unable to attend the launch, "Branching Out" can be viewed and downloaded at www.teagasc.ie/branching-out

Attached files
  • Pictured at the launch of “Branching Out” at the Energy and Farm Diversification show at Gurteen Agricultural College (left to right): Dr Stan Lalor, Director of Knowledge Transfer at Teagasc; Charlie McConalogue TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine; and Barry Caslin, Teagasc Energy and Rural Development Specialist.
19/07/2024 Teagasc
Regions: Europe, Ireland
Keywords: Business, Culture, media & publishing, Science, Agriculture & fishing, Public Dialogue - science

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