Aston University postgraduate student assists in Japan's 2024 Noto earthquake recovery efforts

Aston University postgraduate student assists in Japan's 2024 Noto earthquake recovery efforts

13/09/2024 Aston University

An Aston University postgraduate student has been actively supporting communities affected by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan.

Antoine Couec, a student in MSc Crisis and Disaster Management at Aston Business School, has been conducting field research and working closely with local communities to aid in rebuilding efforts. His work is part of a partnership between Aston University and Ehime University in Japan, which focuses on crisis management, disaster resilience and humanitarian supply chain knowledge exchange.

The devastating earthquake, which struck on 1 January 2024, caused ¥1.15 trillion (£6.1bn) in damages in Ishikawa Prefecture, severely impacting civil engineering, agriculture and small and medium-sized businesses. With 299 lives lost and over 1,300 individuals deeply affected across six regions, the disaster also damaged nearly 4,000 infrastructure facilities. In response, the Japanese government, alongside local communities, has been working to build disaster-resilient systems.

Since arriving in Japan in August 2024, Antoine has been deeply engaged in field research in the earthquake-affected areas of the Noto Peninsula. Based at the Center for Disaster Management Informatics Research at Ehime University, he has been collaborating with local communities, assessing the earthquake's impact on small businesses and analysing disaster response strategies. Antoine’s work also focuses on the governance surrounding the evacuation of senior citizens during the crisis.

Antoine said:

“I am incredibly proud to be here in Japan, applying the knowledge I gained at Aston Business School to support communities affected by the earthquake.

“During my studies, we engaged in practical exercises on crisis and disaster risk management, and now I have the opportunity to directly contribute to long-term recovery efforts in remote Japanese villages.”

Antoine’s research is being supervised by Dr Komal Raj Aryal from Aston Business School and Professor Netra Prakash Bhandary from Ehime University. Their collaboration is part of a broader initiative between Aston and Ehime Universities, designed to foster student-cantered partnerships that advance global risk and resilience management. Over the next five years, this partnership aims to co-create innovative solutions that benefit both Japanese and British students.

Dr Aryal, programme director of the MSc Crisis and Disaster Management at Aston Business School, has been actively involved in facilitating the collaborations, ensuring that the research and on-the-ground efforts are aligned with local needs.

He said:

“In addition to his fieldwork, Antoine is collaborating with Japanese and Taiwanese faith-based organisations, including The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), which has been supporting disaster-affected communities across Asia and the Pacific since 2015.

“Through his efforts, Antoine is helping to deepen the exchange of expertise in disaster resilience and humanitarian efforts, while contributing to the ongoing recovery and resilience-building efforts in Japan.

“We’re incredibly proud of Antoine’s work and the hands-on role he’s taken in supporting these communities. His research is not only impactful for local recovery but also invaluable in shaping future disaster management strategies globally.”

To find out more about crisis management and the work being done at Aston University in the field, visit the Aston Crisis Management Centre here.

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13/09/2024 Aston University
Regions: Europe, United Kingdom, Asia, Japan, Taiwan
Keywords: Business, Universities & research, Health, Environmental health, Science, Climate change, Environment - science, Society, Geography

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