A Green Chemistry Breakthrough:Sustainable Collagen Extraction from Sardine Bones Using Banana Peel Water Extracts

A Green Chemistry Breakthrough:Sustainable Collagen Extraction from Sardine Bones Using Banana Peel Water Extracts

16/09/2024 TranSpread

A research team has developed an innovative and sustainable method to extract collagen from sardine bones using water extracts from banana peels, a common agricultural waste in Malaysia. This method addresses environmental concerns associated with traditional collagen extraction methods and offers a new approach to valorizing waste materials.

The global fisheries industry plays a crucial role in food security, producing significant volumes of waste from inedible parts such as bones and scales. Sardine bones, rich in collagen, present an underutilized resource with immense potential for various industries, including medical, cosmetic, nutraceutical, and food sectors. Traditional extraction methods often involve harsh chemicals and generate harmful waste, necessitating the exploration of eco-friendly alternatives.

A study (DOI: 10.48130/fmr-0024-0015) published in Food Materials Research on 03 September 2024, provides a sustainable alternative to mammalian-derived collagen, reducing reliance on traditional extraction processes that harm the environment.

The research employed a statistical modeling approach to optimize the collagen extraction process from sardine bones using water extracts from banana peels. A quadratic regression model was developed using experimental data to explore the relationship between extraction temperature (T), sardine bone-to-water extract ratio (R), and extraction time. The model included linear, interactive, and quadratic terms to provide a comprehensive understanding of these variables' effects on collagen yield. Statistical analysis, including T- and p-values, revealed that extraction time was the most significant factor, with longer times increasing yield until degradation occurred at extended durations beyond 72 hours. The model’s validity was confirmed through ANOVA, which indicated a significant regression fit (p-value of 0.000), with the lack-of-fit test suggesting the model adequately explained the data (p-value of 0.062). Extraction time emerged as the most influential variable, positively affecting yield, followed by the sardine bone-to-solvent ratio, which increased yield up to a ratio of 1:25. Temperature was the least influential but still showed a positive correlation with yield, optimizing around 40 °C. The overall goodness of fit, represented by an R² value of 0.9835, indicated that the model accounted for 98.35% of the variability in extraction yield. The response optimizer tool predicted that the optimal extraction conditions—40 °C, a bone-to-solvent ratio of 1:24, and 74 hours—would achieve a maximum yield of 9.21%, closely aligning with the experimental validation yield of 9.82%. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of using statistical modeling to refine and predict optimal extraction conditions, providing valuable insights into the parameters that most significantly impact the sustainable extraction of collagen from marine waste.

The water extracts were also tested on other fruit wastes, including mango peel, coconut husk, and pineapple pomace, yielding collagen extraction rates of 11.79%, 2.10%, and 13.58%, respectively. These findings highlight the potential of using diverse agricultural waste materials for sustainable collagen extraction.

According to the study's lead researcher, Dr. Azlan Hassan, “This research demonstrates the potential of using fruit waste to extract valuable compounds like collagen. It’s a great example of how we can turn waste into wealth while promoting environmental sustainability.”

This research highlights a promising method for extracting collagen using environmentally sustainable solvents derived from agricultural waste. By turning fruit waste into valuable resources, this approach aligns with the principles of green chemistry and waste valorization, offering significant benefits for the environment and various industries. As the world seeks sustainable alternatives, this method could pave the way for more eco-friendly production practices in the future.





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Funding information

This research was supported by the Research Management Office (RMO) at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, through Talent and Publication Enhancement-Research grant (TAPE-RG, Vot. No. 55497) and partial fund by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia through the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) FRGS/1/2020/STG01/UMT/02/4 (Vot. No. 59631). The authors would like to thank Maperow Sdn Bhd for providing the sardine processing waste.

About Food Materials Research

The open-access journal Food Materials Research (e-ISSN 2771-4683) is published by Maximum Academic Press in partnership with Nanjing Agricultural University. The article types include original research papers, reviews, methods, editorials, short communications, and perspectives. All articles published in Food Materials Research represent significant advances in the genetic, molecular, biochemical, physiological processes and pathways related to food materials and sources and will provide scientific information towards overcoming technological limitations in developing conventional and alternative foods.

Title of original paper: Water extract of banana peel as a green solvent for extraction of collagen from sardine bone
Authors: Hajar Rastegari1*, Nuratiyah Zunairah Nor Adzmi2, Farhad Nadi3, Nor Fazliyana Mohtar2*, Ahmad Ideris Abdul Rahim1, Mohd Rozaidi Muda4, Nor Azman Kasan1*, Amyra Suryatie Kamaruzzan1 and Ahmad Shuhaimi Draman1
Journal: Food Materials Research
Original Source URL: https://doi.org/10.48130/fmr-0024-0015
DOI: 10.48130/fmr-0024-0015
Latest article publication date: 03 September 2024
Subject of research: Not applicable
COI statement: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Attached files
  • Fig.4 Hierarchical structure of fish bone and amino acids found in collagen structure
16/09/2024 TranSpread
Regions: North America, United States, Asia, China, Malaysia
Keywords: Applied science, Engineering, Business, Food & drink

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