Expert Panel to Feature in City of Longevity Panel at UNSDGA 2024

Expert Panel to Feature in City of Longevity Panel at UNSDGA 2024

The UK’s National Innovation Centre for Ageing (NICA) is proud to introduce its expert panel for the City of Longevity Meet-up at the upcoming UNSDGA 2024 in New York on 20 September 2024. Following the City of Longevity launch conference in July 2023, the programme is an AI software-based toolkit that aims to enable cities to nudge and deliver healthier behaviours to residents, visitors, and tourists alike. The programme is designed to intersect several UN SDG’s: from Sustainable cities and communities (11), to Good health and wellbeing (3), Climate action (13), Reduced inequalities (10), Decent work and economic growth (8), industry innovation and infrastructure (9), Responsible Consumption and production (12). Out of usual recommendations, it leverages existing evidence to suggest to policy makers and urban planner how to design and develop actions to impact multiple domains and promote tangible outcomes. The programme promotes citizen’s participation becoming the first ever AI-powered design thinking method.
This dedicated session will explore the built of a City of Longevity from the – needed - multiple political, financial, technological, societal, individual perspectives, will state the progresses of the current approach, and will propose a new narrative at the intersection of cities and longevity. It aims to stimulate debate and share innovations needed to develop measurable, sharable, and adaptable policies for longevity across different cultural contexts. Moreover, it will state the next steps for the City of Longevity programme in the light of the great societal challenges ahead of us.
Panel Highlights:
• Prof. Dr. med. Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen: Senior Professor at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Elisabeth’s research focuses on ageing, lipid metabolism disorders, and cardiovascular disease prevention, providing crucial context on the role cities can play in prevention of cardiovascular disease.
• Horacio Terraza: With over 30 years of experience in urban-environmental fields, Horacio has led significant projects at the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, focussing on the design and implementation of complex projects related to cities, urban resilience and industrial pollution.
• Dr. Yochai Shavit: Director of Research at Stanford Center on Longevity, Yochai’s work centers on understanding human flourishing across the lifespan. He is passionate about providing empirical evidence to support initiatives such as the City of Longevity, and brings a fascinating focus on motivation and wellbeing.
• Dr. Lars Hartenstein: Co-founder of the McKinsey Health Institute, Lars is dedicated to advancing health through cross-sector collaboration. He is passionate about healthy longevity and believes that many opportunities to advance health converge at city-level.
• Prof. Lynne Corner: Deputy Director at NICA, Director of VOICE and co-founder of Edelman Longevity Lab, Lynne brings a well of expertise on citizen engagement, explaining the importance of harnessing the experience and insights of older generations to drive innovation in health and wellbeing.
• Dr. Joachim Rautter
Joachim is co-founder of the Longevity Week Berlin and the Berlin Innovation Center for Ageing and Longevity (BiCAL). Starting from the Berlin’s experiences, he will explore how the City of Longevity Programme can be adopted at neighbourhood level to drive change.
Introductory speech and moderation
• Prof. Nic Palmarini: Director of NICA, co-founder of the Edelman Longevity Lab and head of the City of Longevity programme, Nic brings over a decade of expertise in AI, cities and healthy longevity. He explores the innovation required to unleash the potential of our cities and neighbourhoods, to help them be the change maker in our healthy longevity journey.
The session aims to stimulate debate and share innovations needed to develop measurable, sharable, and adaptable policies for longevity across different cultural contexts.
"The future of long-living societies is intimately intertwined with the future of urban environments, as cities hold many of the keys to promoting healthy and fulfilling century-long lives for all people. At the Stanford Center on Longevity, we are excited to work with NICA to help municipalities identify and track important longevity benchmarks and design policies and programs to ensure their populations are ready to make the most of very long lives!"- Yochai Shavit
Please join us: The City of Longevity Panel discussion will take place at 9am ET on September 20, 2024. Register to attend in person or via Zoom at the Science Summit at UN General Assembly website.
Regions: Europe, United Kingdom, Germany, North America, United States
Keywords: Health, Well being, Policy, Business, Government

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