The three-year Farmer-focused Biodiversity and Agricultural Knowledge Network (FarmBioNet) Horizon project launched in January 2025. FarmBioNet aims to help farmers and foresters to provide habitats for biodiversity on their land.
A core activity within the FarmBioNet Research Project is the creation of Farming and Biodiversity National Networks (FaB NNs), consisting of farmers, foresters, researchers, NGO’s, advisors, policymakers and other relevant Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) actors. The National Networks will gather and disseminate knowledge and information relating to biodiversity-friendly farming (BFF) practices. FarmBioNet will create 12 National Networks across its partners and together will form the European Thematic Network for Farming and Biodiversity.
The National Networks will host workshops, farm walks, and national and international farm exchange visits.
Ireland’s National Network kick-off meeting, led by Teagasc, took place online on Wednesday 26th of February with a total of 46 attendees with a range of backgrounds (farmers, advisors, academia and research, education, NGOs, business and policymakers and government).
The kick-off consisted of an introduction to the FarmBioNet project and the goals of the National Network’ s, followed by an interactive discussion with the attendees to identify biodiversity-friendly farming (BFF) practices that could be considered in the project. Project coordinator, Dr Saorla Kavanagh from Teagasc Johnstown Castle, highlighted that ensuring a diverse representation of backgrounds within the NN is a priority for the project. She said; “We want to promote the exchange of traditional and evidence-based actions that benefit farm biodiversity and that work for farmers.”
Project manager, Dr Meritxell Grau commented: “The National Networks will be the foundation of the project. The kick-off meeting discussions showcased the amount of information and awareness, already available, regarding biodiversity-friendly farming practices, including the identification of knowledge gaps within the Irish context. The future knowledge exchange activities will aim for any NN member to benefit from sharing their experiences and discover new potential low-cost actions to work towards improving their whole farm biodiversity.”
Thirty people have already signed up to participate in the Farming and Biodiversity National Network including dairy farmer Rachel Creighton, “The potential of this project is exciting, bringing together people from different influential fields to make real and meaningful changes for biodiversity. This can be positively adopted throughout the agricultural sector and importantly gives farmers a voice in this change.”