Alphagalileo > AlphaGalileo > Help > FAQs

AlphaGalileo FAQs

How does AlphaGalileo work?


I work for a research organisation, why should we use AlphaGalileo?


Why should the contributors trust AlphaGalileo?


How much does the AlphaGalileo service cost?


Can I only post news releases?


Can I post items under embargo?



What topics can I post about on AlphaGalileo?



Can I post on AlphaGalileo?



How do I know that my news is being read by legitimate journalists?



Where are your journalists from?



How many journalists are registered with AlphaGalileo?



Do you offer advertising packages?



I’m a journalist, why should I register?



How long has AlphaGalileo been operating?



How do I register?



Which role should I apply for?


We Work Closely With...

  • BBC
  • The Times
  • National Geographic
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • University of Cambridge
  • iesResearch
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