UC3M doubles the number of outreach activities for European Researchers' Night 2024

UC3M doubles the number of outreach activities for European Researchers' Night 2024

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is organizing 16 R&D&I outreach activities, twice as many as last year, as part of European Researchers' Night 2024, an event aimed at all audiences and held on the same weekend throughout Europe. To attend these activities (workshops and scientific demonstrations, talks, theatrical performances, guided tours and webinars) booking will open on the event's website from September 16.

On the morning of Friday 27, at 11:00 am, there will be a theatrical activity aimed at secondary schools on the subject of various aspects related to AI, such as the legal challenges of deepfakes and the use of the technology in areas as diverse as the smart car, cybersecurity, aeronautics and climate science,and telecommunications of the future. The event alternates scenes from a play created ad hoc for the day with talks by UC3M research staff on scientific projects financed by the European Union. The same activity will also be held in the afternoon, in a performance aimed at the general public starting at 7:00 pm. Admission is free and invitations will be available at information points in the Student Orientation Centre from September 16 or on the day of the performance from 5:00 pm up to the beginning of the performance, untilall seats are filled).

More than half of the activities will take place at the UC3M Madrid-Puerta de Toledo Campus during the afternoon and evening of Friday, September 27. At 5:30 pm, there will be a talk covering everything from the biocultural rights of indigenous populations to the existing problems in the Mar Menor lagoon. Half an hour later, at 6:00 pm, there will be four activities on how AI fills visual gaps in images, how to make 5G telecommunications visible, the functioning of neuromorphic cameras used in fluid dynamics and thermal cameras used in aeronautical research. At 7:00 pm, there will be another demonstration on how data is used to discover unknown patterns in turbulence. And finally, at 7:30 pm, three other activities will take place on the mysteries of printed materials, the revolution in biomedical research with chatbots and the science of skin regeneration.

The UC3M Leganés Campus will host three informative activities that same evening, starting at 5:00 pm, on the topics of aeroacoustics and analysis of turbulent jets in an anechoic chamber, how to detect electric arcs in hybrid airplanes within the framework of air safety and how to optimize a Formula 1 racing car or an airplane with helium bubbles and AI. Another activity will be held at the Getafe Campus at 5:30 pm on the perceptual possibilities of interacting with body transformation devices, while there will be a virtual presentation and online debate from 5:00 pm on technological development and digital transformation.

The following day, Saturday 28, at 10:00 am, there will be a guided tour and testing of magnetic materials for biomedicine and soft robotics, which will take place in a laboratory at the UC3M Science Park’sCentre for Innovation in Entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligence (C3N-IA).

These UC3M activities, organized by its Office of Information and Dissemination of Science and Innovation (OIDCI), are part of European Researchers’ Night in Madrid, an event that includes numerous free science outreach activities and that is being held simultaneously in 23 countries and more than 400 cities in Europe and beyond. In Madrid, the science outreach project, called NIGHTMADRID, is coordinated by Fundación madri+d and funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions with grant agreement number 101.162.110. In addition, UC3M's activities are supported by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), part of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

More information:

Website for European Researchers’Night at UC3M
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Regions: Europe, Spain
Keywords: Science, Public Dialogue - science, Society, Public Dialogue - society, Humanities, Public Dialogue - Humanities, Applied science, Public Dialogue - applied science, Health, Public Dialogue - health

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