New ConNetEU Cluster to Drive Innovation and Awareness in the EU’s Energy Sector

New ConNetEU Cluster to Drive Innovation and Awareness in the EU’s Energy Sector


Two pioneering EU-funded projects, iPLUG and SSTAR have come together to launch the ConNetEU cluster to promote innovation and sustainability in Europe’s energy sector.

The cluster will draw on the complementary strengths of both projects to advance energy-efficient solutions and sustainable technologies. To promote this collaboration and its benefits, iPLUG and SSTAR have released a joint video and factsheet to spread awareness about their shared goals and initiatives and will soon launch a social media campaign.

Pioneering power electronics and solid-state transformers

The iPLUG and SSTAR projects, both Horizon Europe-funded, seek to foster the adoption of innovative solutions in the energy sector.

iPLUG focuses on creating innovative power electronics utilizing multiport converters – which will enable the integration of multiple renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and loads into the distribution grid, alleviating grid congestion and enhancing overall system performance.

SSTAR is committed to delivering cutting-edge Solid-State Transformers (SSTs) technology, increasing its operational voltage level, and enlarging its application within the energy power sector, namely the distribution and transmission grid. This technology will be able to maximize the penetration of renewable energy sources while ensuring the correct and safe operation of grids.

Joint Video, Factsheet and Social Media Campaign

As part of their partnership, iPLUG and SSTAR have jointly created a video and factsheet.

The video highlights key achievements, and how the collaboration between these two projects will help accelerate the deployment of energy-efficient solutions. The factsheet offers detailed insights into the technological synergies between iPLUG and SSTAR, highlighting how their combined efforts will contribute to meeting the EU’s ambitious energy and climate goals.

Both resources are available to stakeholders, policymakers, and the public on the projects' websites.

Soon iPLUG and SSTAR will also launch a joint social media campaign about the cluster and its role in driving innovation in the energy sector.

This collaboration marks a pivotal step in uniting two major EU-funded initiatives with complementary approaches and a shared vision of a low-carbon energy system to create a greener, more resilient Europe.

For more information about ConNetEU, please visit the iPLUG and SSTAR websites:

- iPLUG Project Website:

- SSTAR Project Website:



Project coordinator:
Oriol Gomis Bellmunt, CITCEA-UPC

Communication Manager:
Marc Cheah Mañe, UPC

Aleda Kushta, UPC

Project website:



Project coordinator:
Jonatan Peris Rivas, CIRCE

Communication Managers:

Ilaria Bonetti, ICONS

Erika Novellini, ICONS

Project website:


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Regions: Europe, Belgium
Keywords: Business, Renewable energy, Science, Energy

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