Deciphering inflammation-induced tumorigenesis: unveiling gastric cancer's trail with network and AI

Deciphering inflammation-induced tumorigenesis: unveiling gastric cancer's trail with network and AI

08/08/2024 TranSpread

Gastric cancer, a significant global health challenge, is characterized by a complex transition from inflammation-induced premalignant lesions to malignancy. The quest for early diagnosis and prevention is impeded by the intricate biological shifts that mark this journey, highlighting an urgent need for a deeper dive into the underlying the multi-level and dynamic features.

From the Institute for TCM-X at Tsinghua University, a team of scientists has unveiled a pivotal review (DOI: 10.20892/j.issn.2095-3941.2023.0129) in the field of gastric cancer research. Published on August 17, 2023, in Cancer Biology & Medicine, the study employs AI and multi-omics to map the trajectory of gastric cancer development, offering an in-depth and holistic perspective on the disease's evolution.

This study meticulously dissects the complex interplay of biological factors in the onset of gastric cancer from inflammation. By fusing multimodal and multi-omics data with sophisticated AI, the researchers have identified a plethora of crucial biomarkers and potential intervention targets. The integration of single-cell transcriptomics offers detailed cellular insights, while network-based algorithms unveil the intricate molecular interconnections. A standout discovery of the exceedingly-early for gastric cancer is the pinpointing of critical cellular milestones that signal the transition to cancer, enhancing our ability to diagnose and treat gastric cancer with precision. The insights gleaned from this study can bolster our understanding of the disease's progression and sets a foundation for more effective diagnostics and therapeutics.

Professor Shao Li, member of EASA (European Academy of Sciences and Arts), spearheading the research, underscores its impact: "Our integrative methodology profoundly advances our comprehension of gastric cancer, pioneering the way for early detection biomarkers and targeted treatment strategies that are essential for advancing cancer care."

Collectively, we believe that holistic observation of the malignant transformation from premalignant lesions, followed by the identification of critical time points and characteristics, as well as implementation of systematic interventions, would embody the essence of refining cancer prevention strategies. The study's profound implications suggest a future where gastric cancer management is characterized by precision and tailored treatment plans, enhancing patient outcomes and therapeutic success.





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Funding information

This study was supported by funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. T2341008).

About Cancer Biology & Medicine

Cancer Biology & Medicine (CBM) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal sponsored by China Anti-cancer Association (CACA) and Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital. The journal monthly provides innovative and significant information on biological basis of cancer, cancer microenvironment, translational cancer research, and all aspects of clinical cancer research. The journal also publishes significant perspectives on indigenous cancer types in China. The journal is indexed in SCOPUS, MEDLINE and SCI (IF 5.6, 5 year IF 5.9), with all full texts freely visible to clinicians and researchers all over the world (

Paper title: Deciphering gastric inflammation-induced tumorigenesis through multi-omics data and AI methods
Fichiers joints
  • Characteristics of gastric inflammation-induced tumorigenesis. CAG: chronic atrophic gastritis, IM: intestinal metaplasia, LGD: low-grade dysplasia, GAC: gastric adenocarcinoma.
08/08/2024 TranSpread
Regions: North America, United States, Asia, China
Keywords: Health, Medical

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