Estonian flag raised at CERN

Estonian flag raised at CERN

17/10/2024 CERN

The Estonian flag was raised today at a ceremony held at CERN to mark the country’s accession as CERN’s 24th Member State. The ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Estonia, Alar Karis, one of the two Vice-Presidents of the CERN Council, Eric Laenen, and the CERN Director-General, Fabiola Gianotti, together with representatives of CERN’s Member and Associate Member States and Observers and the CERN community.

“I am delighted that the aspirations of our academic community, companies and government have come together and made CERN membership a reality. This is a major milestone for Estonia and we are keen to contribute to the exciting research and innovation at CERN,” said Alar Karis.

“On behalf of the CERN Council, I am very pleased to welcome Estonia as a Member State, building on decades of commitment to basic science and peaceful scientific collaboration. We are now looking forward to reinforcing Estonia’s participation in the CERN Council,” said Eric Laenen.

“The raising of the Estonian flag is a highly symbolic culmination of Estonia’s journey to becoming a CERN Member State, which recognises the long-standing fruitful scientific cooperation between Estonia and CERN and Estonia’s significant contribution to fundamental research. We look forward to enhancing our collaboration in particle physics research, technology and innovation and in the training and education of the next generations with Estonia as a Member State,” said Fabiola Gianotti.
Fichiers joints
  • Flag raising ceremony in presence of Vice-President of the CERN Council, Eric Laenen, President of the Republic of Estonia, Alar Karis, CERN Director General, Fabiola Gianotti and the Ambassador of Estonia, Riia Salsa-Audiffren (from left to right)/Cérémonie de levée du drapeau en présence du Vice-président du Conseil du CERN, Eric Laenen, du Président de la République d'Estonie, Alar Karis, de la Directrice générale du CERN, Fabiola Gianotti et de l'Ambassadrice d'Estonie, Riia Salsa-Audiffren (de gauche à droite). (Image: CERN)
17/10/2024 CERN
Regions: Europe, Switzerland, Estonia
Keywords: Science, Public Dialogue - science, Business, Knowledge transfer, Universities & research

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