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Posting Policy


AlphaGalileo is the wolrd's independent source of research news. It communicates the achievements and relevance of research in science, medicine, technology, the arts, humanities and social sciences to secure more and better understanding of the benefits of research in the media and society. The service has three key audiences to reach via the media:

  • the public - to help create an informed lay audience better able to engage in dialogue with government and research managers on the direction that research takes;
  • business - to support wealth creation by increasing awareness amongst commerce and business world-wide of the new technologies being developed by the research community; and
  • young people - to encourage young people world-wide to consider research as an educational or career option.

The service takes breaking news. Archive material can be taken by special arrangement, please contact for further information.

We take news releases, event information, publication announcements, items of interest to broadcasters, multimedia or library items and background to the news that supports our objectives.

Content can be posted under embargo so as to be accessible to registered journalists and the contributor who posted them only.

The service is moderated.

Please note that the site does not peer review postings and that individual providers are responsible for the material they post. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that material published on the site has been cleared for publication.

Our concerns are for acceptability of type of subject and our legal obligations. As a guide, we list typical items below that we would usually accept and some that we would not. We reserve the right to accept or reject content submitted for publication.

If you are unsure as to the relevance of your material please contact us at


News published with AlphaGalileo under embargo is only accessible to registered journalists and the contributor who posted the item.

Breaking of embargoes is unacceptable. It will count as misuse of the site "Terms and Conditions of Use" and may lead to the removal of access rights. If you are unsure about the operation of embargoes please consult the AlphaGalileo FAQs.

AlphaGalileo will take all reasonable steps to ensure that only vetted registered journalists have access to embargoed material.

In the case of broken embargoes, we reserve the right to suspend access to the service and/or posting privileges to individuals or organisations.

Always acceptable on the site

New research discoveries or results based on a paper accepted for publication in a peer reviewed journal. Such releases need full bibliographic references. The item can be taken under embargo in advance of the journal's publication, but the embargo you apply must match that of the journal.

Usually acceptable

Research discoveries or the results of research projects from academic or commercial research bodies.

Research policy news.

Major research funding announcements.

Success in gaining a major research contract by a university, research institute or other body.

Announcements of conferences or meetings to discuss research or press conferences and briefings to present research findings.

New publications, videos, exhibitions, etc, that are likely to have significant implications for the public's understanding of science.

Applied research news where the research and technology aspects of the news are highlighted

New products or services with a high-tech or research element, for example mobile phones, computers, automotive, aerospace, university courses or new research journals or web sites are accepted under the 'Business News' section.

Usually unacceptable

Routine staff appointments.

Routine honorary degree, awards, etc.

Interviews, features, reviews or opinion articles, etc.


Business news with no research component

Any material that in the Editor's opinion would bring the site into disrepute.

Business News Section

The objective of this section of the News Service is to promote the commercial possibilities derived from or in support of international research.

The service will take any news release, event, publication, broadcast media, library, multimedia etc item that does this and publish it under this section only, subject to these stipulations:

  • AlphaGalileo reserves the right to ask for information about the relevance of the news to research
  • news that denigrates other products, or any aspect of the research community, will not be taken.
  • news making claims for products or service will be accepted subject to the instigator having evidence to support the claims. If that evidence is found not be reliable AlphaGalileo reserves the right to withdraw the posting. In such cases any subscription or fee charged will not be returned.


Website sections/categories and keywords

AlphaGalileo content is divided into - press releases, book announcements, calendar, library and multimedia and items for the broadcast media.

News releases about books or events should usually be submitted as a book or an event, and not as a news release.

Business news will normally be published under the Business category only.

Excessive use of keywords undermines the effectiveness of our service and the response to the news items. We recommend keeping them to no more than four. See the keywords guide for more detailed explanation about them.


Who can use or provide information to the site?

To use information to create news stories, programmes, web sites, etc

You should register as a journalist. You can then see embargoed material. Journalists in continuous employment or freelance are all welcome.

Proof is required that you work as a journalist. You should provide a corporate email address and samples of/links to recent published work or the contact details of a referee who can confirm your status as bona fide journalists. Referees should be employed as editors by a genuine media organisation and have a corporate email address.

To provide information to the media

You should register as a contributor. You can then provide material for the media to use. You must hold a position in a university or other research body at head of department level or above or work within a science public relations or science promotions department. If you are not the head of department you should provide us with their details so that we can check that you are authorised to post information on your organisation's behalf.

Contributors will not be able to see any embargoed material other than the items they have posted, where they will have editing rights.

Login details are personal and are accorded on individual basis. It is the sole responsibility of the user to keep them safe. Making them public or sharing them with other people can constitute a breach of our "Terms and conditions of use" and may lead to the removal of access rights.

For more information please also see the other help resources and FAQs.

If in any doubt, please contact our Team at:

We Work Closely With...

  • BBC
  • The Times
  • National Geographic
  • University of Cambridge
  • iesResearch
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